

十大平台网赌下载最新很高兴为您提供符合1965年高等教育法的信息列表, 修订的, 以及《十大平台网赌下载最新》.

有关协会的资料, 机构, 和/或认证的政府机构, 批准或许可学校及其课程, 和 the procedures by which a student may receive a copy for review of the school’s accreditation, 许可证或批准, 联系这里的学术部门或参考 大学目录.

十大平台网赌下载最新是由 高等教育委员会北拉萨尔街230号.伊利诺伊州芝加哥市7-500套房,邮编60604. inquiry@hlcommission.org; 800-621-7440


社区 & 继续教育课程


查看学费和杂费在这里 或联络 财务主管的办公室 或者是 财政援助办事处 了解更多信息.

同时,了解更多关于 付款政策 和 退出程序.



如果学生或BHC员工担心学生表现出“危险信号”行为或参与学生不当行为事件(但不需要立即干预),欢迎他们填写一份 行为事件报告.


有关住宿的信息,请联系 残疾人服务 在四城校区或东校区的十大平台网赌下载最新办公室.


The Family Education Rights 和 Privacy Act (FERPA) established the right of 学生 to inspect 和 review their education records; provides that personally identifiable information will not, 除了某些例外, be disclosed without the student’s written permission; provides for guidelines f或者是 correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal or formal hearings; grants 学生 the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights 和 Privacy Act Office concerning alleged failures of the College to comply; 和 makes provisions for notice to the 学生 concerning their rights.

十大平台网赌下载最新已经采取了政策和程序来实施FERPA, 在BHC学术目录中有哪些概述.

如果学生参与非法传播受版权保护的材料,他们可能会受到刑事和民事处罚. 十大平台网赌下载最新监控网络活动,并利用网络流量整形来阻止非法文件共享和版权使用. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅学生手册.


A student who has a complaint should work with the individual who the complaint is against. If that person is not available 或者是 student is uncomfortable working with that individual, the student should discuss the complaint with a BHC employee who can direct the student to the proper individual. 学生也可以联系主任, 迪安, 副总统, 执行主任或第九条协调员寻求援助. A student wishing to file a complaint without speaking to a person may do so by completing the 十大平台网赌下载最新网站联系表格. If the specific concern has not been resolved in an expeditious 和 fair manner at BHC, 学生可以 向伊利诺伊州社区大学委员会投诉 或者州外的在线学生也可以 在他或她居住的州提出申诉.

注意: Black Hawk College is registered with the Iowa College Student Aid Commission on behalf of the state of Iowa. 爱荷华州居民学生谁希望询问十大平台网赌下载最新或 在爱荷华州提起诉讼 可与委员会联络.
475 SW Fifth St., Suite D
Des Moines, IA 50309


十大平台网赌下载最新是 国家授权互惠协定 (SARA),确保BHC在线课程的质量, 为学生提供实习机会, streamlines the process of sharing our online courses with our 学生 who live in another 莎拉状态重要的是: 学生从学校授权的州转到未授权的州可能会遇到不利的后果.


有关资料及选民登记申请,可于 伊利诺伊州选举委员会


BHC is committed to providing a safe 和 secure environment f或者是 BHC community 和 its guests. 支持这一承诺, 根据董事会颁布规章制度和2013年伊利诺伊州枪支隐蔽携带法的权力,BHC对在BHC校园携带枪支或武器的能力进行了限制. 阅读完整的政策 在这里.



学生有责任在每学期结束前向财务处支付所有的财务义务. 在每学期开始前, 我们为那些无法全额支付余额的学生提供三期和四期本票. 对于任何需要额外时间支付余额的学生,每个学期都可以提供额外的住宿. Request for payment arrangements should be made by contacting the 财务主管的办公室. All financial obligations must be satisfied before enrolling for additional classes or future semesters.


If at any time during a semester an account becomes past due with an unresolved balance, a hold will be placed on the student’s account 和 the student will be unable to enroll in additional classes. 余额可以来自学杂费, 错过本票付款, DDA帐面费用, 财政援助偿还, 停车罚款, 图书馆的罚款, 还有未归还的物品(笔记本电脑), 计算器, 等.).

当帐户上有余额,并且该余额在下一个付款到期日之前未支付时,该帐户就过期了. 任何未付余额超过1美元的账户将被扣留.00.

逾期余额为50美元的账户.00 or more may be subject to referral to our third-party collection agency, TSI, Inc. 如果送到收款处, 学生 are responsible for payment of all additional collection 和/or attorney fees charged by the agency.


Black Hawk College will assess a late fee of $10 to all past due accounts; up to 3 late fees can be charged per semester. 参加三期或四期期票的学生在每次错过或延迟付款后也将被评估滞纳金.


Students are encouraged to speak with the 财政援助办事处 before withdrawing from any classes. 学生的学时将被重新计算,一些学生可能会被要求退还他们在该学期获得的部分联邦经济援助. If the recalculation results in the student owing funds back to Black Hawk College, the student will receive a bill 和 payment in full is expected within 30 days. 付款计划可通过联系财务司处获得.

现在和以前的学生有任何问题, 担忧, 或者抱怨他们的学生贷款, please reach out to Black Hawk College’s Director of 金融援助 at 309-796-5442.

美国总检察长办公室还设立了学生贷款热线, 1-800-455-2456, 为苦苦挣扎的学生借款人提供免费的还款选择和避免违约的信息. Individuals with hearing or speech disabilities can reach us by using the 7-1-1 relay service. 借贷者也可以打电话向消费者投诉有关其贷款的账单和服务问题.


Parking tags can be purchased, 和 停车罚款 can be paid, in the 财务主管的办公室. 关于支付停车许可证和/或罚款的重要信息可通过十大平台网赌下载最新警察局.


大多数书店的费用是在购买某学期所需材料后直接支付给书店的. The bookstore accepts cash, check, major credit/debit cards, 金融援助, 和 third-party vouchers.

T在这里 are a few instances when bookstore charges will be billed directly to a student’s account. The most common of these are Direct Digital 访问 和 Unreturned Textbook Rental charges.


许多教师正在使用DDA代替传统的教科书. 有关DDA的更多信息,请阅读 直接数码上网常见问题.

DDA charges are posted to the student account 2-3 weeks after a class using DDA begins. 如果余额到期,这些费用的账单链接将发送到学生的myBHC电子邮件帐户, 经济援助或3rd 聚会券可用来支付余款. DDA access charges are expected to be paid in full by the published due date each semester. 如果在公布的到期日之前没有全额支付DDA访问费用, a hold will be placed on the account restricting future enrollment in courses. Once the charges are paid in full, the associated holds 和 restrictions will be lifted.


有些书可供学期租用. 如果一个学生租了一本教科书, they must sign a Textbook Rental Agreement 和 pay the associated rental price. The agreement will list the date that the book must be returned to the bookstore. 逾期退货恕不接受.

If a student fails to return the book by the published rental return due date, a charge f或者是 current shelf price of the book will be billed to the student’s account. An invoice will be sent to the student’s myBHC email account 和 payment is due within 30 days upon receipt. 未归还的教科书租金将被征收25美元.00 late fee 和 hold will be place on the account that will restrict enrolling in future courses. Once the charges are paid, the associated holds 和 restrictions will be lifted.


十大平台网赌下载最新的政策是申请所有授予的助学金, scholarships 和/or loans toward a student’s balance due before being eligible for a refund. 你可以了解更多十大平台网赌下载最新的退款政策 在这里.


As of July 1, 2015, Black Hawk College is a Smoke-Free 和 Tobacco-Free Environment. 这是对参议院法案2202的回应,即无烟校园法案.

This legislation prohibits smoking on the campuses of all state-supported colleges 和 universities. 就本政策而言, 烟草的定义包括任何点燃或未点燃的香烟(丁香), 比迪烟, 丁香口味), 雪茄, 小雪茄, 管道, 水烟产品, 以及其他吸烟产品. 这也包括无烟的, 吐或不吐, 可溶解的, 或吸入烟草制品, 包括但不限于:蘸料, 咀嚼, 鼻烟或鼻烟, 以任何形式(球体), 棒, 球团, 等.).

Nicotine products not approved by the Food 和 Drug Administration (FDA) as a smoking cessation product, 比如电子烟, 也是被禁止的. Nicotine products approved by the Food 和 Drug Administration (FDA) as a smoking cessation product, 比如尼古丁口香糖和尼古丁贴片, 是允许的.


启动应用程序: 帮助你戒烟的免费应用程序.


  • 点燃或燃烧任何含有烟草的物质或物质, 包括但不限于香烟, 雪茄, 小雪茄, 管道, beedies, 丁香, 水管, 声音, 和水烟.
  • 点燃或燃烧非烟草植物或大麻.
  • 使用电子烟或电子烟.


  • 所有形式的烟草, 包括但不限于香烟, 雪茄, 小雪茄, 管道, beedies, 丁香, 水管, 声音, 和水烟, 电子香烟, 无烟烟草, snuf, 咀嚼烟草和任何未经fda批准的尼古丁输送装置或产品.

无毒的学校 & 社区行动

根据BHC的学生行为准则, 学生, 包括那些达到法定饮酒年龄的人, 是不允许使用的, 拥有, 制造, 出售, 交付, 或在学校内散布酒精或非法毒品, 十大平台网赌下载最新使用的财产, 作为学院赞助活动的一部分, or while conducting or participating in Black Hawk College business 和/or events.


十大平台网赌下载最新的学术课程旨在为学生申请伊利诺斯州的执照或认证做准备. 完成十大平台网赌下载最新的课程可能不符合伊利诺斯州以外的州对执照或认证的教育要求.

Black Hawk College makes every effort to ensure information about educational requirements for licensure or certification is current; however, 各州的要求可能会改变. 与学历要求分开, state licensure boards may require applicants to complete professional examinations, 背景调查, 多年专业经验, 居住要求, 法理学考试, 培训, 等. If you are planning to pursue professional licensure or certification in a state other than Illinois, 强烈建议您在开始学术课程之前联系该州适当的许可实体,以寻求有关许可或认证要求的信息和指导.

以下是导致专业执照或认证的项目列表,十大平台网赌下载最新确定是否完成该项目符合州或美国执照的教育要求.S. 领土. When available, the state licensing entity has been linked to the determination.


In accordance with the provisions of the Illinois 信息自由法 (FOIA), 十大平台网赌下载最新提供公共档案.

《十大平台网赌下载最新》查阅声明,5 ILCS 140/4 sec4 (PDF)